Maelstrom methods and open-source software are used by several groups working in the fields of biomedical research and information technology. Our involvement in the activities of external users is generally limited to occasional technical support. Below is a list of external users who have used Maelstrom tools to support their activities.
Individual studies using Maelstrom software to collect, manage, or disseminate information about data and samples collected
- EPIC - IARC: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (France)
- IMPPC: Institut de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer Biobank (Spain)
- The RHAPSODY Project (Europe)
Organizations or networks using Maelstrom software to document, manage, or harmonize data across different studies
- GRIMN: Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires (Canada)
- Indoc Research (Canada)
- INESC TEC (Portugal)
- Kids Brain Health Network (Canada)
- MIRACUM Consortium: Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine (Germany)
- NCI: National Cancer Institute (United States of America)
- OBI: Ontario Brain Institute (Canada)
- OICR: Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (Canada)
- PULSAR (Canada)
- Qatar Biobank: Qatar Biobank for Medical Research (Qatar)
- STROKOG: Stroke and Cognition consortium (Australia)
Organizations using software to offer data management, harmonization, or dissemination services
- Biskit (United Kingdom)
- The Hyve (The Netherlands)
- WESTAT (United States of America)